What are the advantages of MetaTrader 5 for iOS?
Trade on MT without requotes or order deviations, with a wide range of leverage.
MT5 Features
- iPhone MetaTrader 5 allows you to access your regular account from your iPhone whenever you want. Just use your login and password as you usually do when working from PC!
How to install
- STEP 1: Open App Store on your iPhone, or download the app here. Locate MetaTrader in App Store by entering the term MetaTrader in the search field. Click the MetaTrader icon to install the software to your iPhone.
- STEP 2: Now you will be prompted to select between Login with existing account /Open a demo account. On clicking either Login with existing account/Open a demo account, a new window opens. Enter VisionForex in the search field. Click the VisionForex-Demo icon if you have a demo account, or VisionForex-Real if you have a real account.
- STEP 3: Enter your login and password. Start trading on your iPhone.